About me


My name is Shi-Gang Ou, you can also call me Osgood

I lived in Leshan/Xichang/Chengdu, and now in Beijing.

Life Track

  • Leshan: Birth and Preschool 2001-2007
  • Xichang: Primary School 2007-2013
  • Chengdu: Junior and Senior High School 2013-2019
  • Beijing: Undergraduate study at University 2019-2023


Books I Enjoyed

  • Greek mythology
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms/三国演义
  • The Three Body Problem (by Ci-Xin Liu)/三体
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values (by Pirsig)
  • Discourse on the Method (by Descartes)
  • The Institutional Logic of Governance in China: An Organizational Approach (by Xue-Guang Zhou)
  • Reality is Broken (by Jane Mcgonigal)

Animations I Enjoyed

  • Attack on Titan
  • Rick and Morty
  • Scissor Seven/刺客伍六七
  • Under One Person: Outcast/一人之下
  • The Legend of Luo Xiaohei/罗小黑战记
  • Ghost in the Shell
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion

Youtuber/Uploader I Enjoyed

  • 3Blue1Brown: Math Videos via Coding
  • 天真的和感伤的小说家: Books Reviews&Story Adaptation
  • Bob Ross: A series of painting tutorial
  • Code Adventure: visualize algorithms using Unity and other game techniques
  • Inigo Quilez: Previous Engineer in Animation Studio, mainly about generating animations using Shadertoy

TV Series I Enjoyed

  • Wecrashed: story of the WeWork founders

Website Introduction

  • 2020.07: Initially deployed on GitHub Page with Jekyll
  • 2021.07: Uploaded some previous articles
  • 2021.08: Start to write with this website
  • 2022.04: Deleted Most Articles from the website(try to make it better in the future)