Mermaid+GPT From Requirements to Flowchart
Given the following requirements, create mermaid diagram code that shows the relationship, use classDiagram and others in mermaid. Requirments: [Discription of the needOmmited for brevity]
Mermaid is a JavaScript library that allows you to create diagrams in Markdown. It is based on the Graphviz library, which is a graph visualization tool.
Why Mermaid?
In LaTeX, we can create diagrams using the TikZ package. But the syntax is not very intuitive and it is not easy to create complex diagrams.
roundnode/.style={circle, draw=green!60, fill=green!5, very thick, minimum size=7mm},
squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, very thick, minimum size=5mm},
\node[squarednode] (maintopic) {2};
\node[roundnode] (uppercircle) [above=of maintopic] {1};
\node[squarednode] (rightsquare) [right=of maintopic] {3};
\node[roundnode] (lowercircle) [below=of maintopic] {4};
\draw[->] (uppercircle.south) -- (maintopic.north);
\draw[->] (maintopic.east) -- (rightsquare.west);
\draw[->] (rightsquare.south) .. controls +(down:7mm) and +(right:7mm) .. (lowercircle.east);
Using Mermaid, we can create the same diagram in Markdown:
graph LR
A((1)) --> B[2]
B --> C[3]
C --> D((4))
style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
style B fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
style C fill:#ff9,stroke:#333
style D fill:#9f9,stroke:#333
Now if we want to keep 1, 2, 4 in one line and move 3 to the right, and also connect (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), we can use the
graph TB
subgraph Z
direction TB
A((1)) --> B[2]
subgraph ZA
direction RL
style A fill:#9f9,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:4px
style B fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
style C fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
style D fill:#9f9,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:4px
Use Case: Function Signature Design Diagram
Say if I have some functions with params:type and return type, I can use Mermaid to create a diagram to show the relationship between them. We can use the classDiagram
to create a more complex diagram:
class A{
+int x
+int y
+void foo()
class B{
+int x
+int y
+void foo()
class C{
+int x
+int y
+void foo()
A <|-- B
A <|-- C
B <|-- C
This would be quite helpful when we are designing an app or trying to figure out the relationship between different classes.
Given the following requirements:
A python class that simulate a box of particles, with their position
It supports sampling, transforming the distribution of the particles.
The sampling is related to the particle model, the transforming is
related to the bijector model.
Given a bijector, we can train it to yield the final result.
The training process is related to the loss function, the optimizer
and the estimator.
the bijector model takes the base distribution as input, to make it
scalable, only the conditioner is trained. The conditioner is a transformer.
Transformer accepts arbitrary input and have constant difficulty.
Create mermaid diagram code that shows the relationship, use classDiagram and others in mermaid
class BoxOfParticles{
-Particle[] particles
class Particle{
-float position
class Bijector{
-BaseDistribution base
-Conditioner conditioner
+train(loss, optimizer, estimator)
class BaseDistribution{
class Conditioner{
-Transformer transformer
class Transformer{
BoxOfParticles *-- Particle
Bijector o-- BaseDistribution
Bijector o-- Conditioner
Conditioner o-- Transformer
This code is in fact generated by GPT Given the requirments above. And it’s QUITE accurate.